New exploit for the PlayStation 4 may be useful for the PS5

Exploit for PlayStation 4
Written by Emma Davis

In the network was published detailed information about a new exploit that allows installing custom software on the PlayStation 4 console with relatively recent firmware. Apparently, similar features may soon appear on some versions of the PlayStation 5.

The new exploit is based on a known bug in WebKit on PS4 and related to the use of font-faces. The exploit for PS4 was made public back in October as a proof-of-concept, after a similar bug was discovered in Apple’s Safari WebKit implementation in September.

The well-known console cracker Specter posted a video of the exploit over the weekend. By Monday, the files required for the exploit to work had already been uploaded to GitHub, along with detailed instructions.

ArsTechnica magazine writes that a full-fledged exploit can be launched on PS4 by simply opening a website with specially prepared JavaScript in the console browser, which will allow the system to run code at the kernel level that bypasses the means of protection. After that, the exploit will be able to read files from the inserted USB drive and install custom software, including third-party PS4 firmware.

This is not the first time custom code has been executed on a PS4. The previous exploit, released in March, worked on consoles with firmware up to version 7.55, which was released by Sony about seven months earlier (in August 2020). A fresh exploit that appeared this week works with firmware up to version 9.00, which was released less than three months ago (at the end of September this year).ArsTechnica journalists say.

Users with a fully updated PS4 will not be able to use the new exploit, as the vulnerability has already been fixed in firmware version 9.03 released on December 1st. Basically, as enthusiasts write on GitHub, looking at the differences between the two latest firmware releases helps them figure out how to get an exploit to reach its full potential.

In particular, some hackers have already noticed that the main problem on which the exploit is built “works on some PS5 firmware, although at the moment there is no known strategy for its use.”

On Twitter, the well-known cracker Znullptr (who also contributed to the new exploit) adds that β€œthe exploit also affects Playstation5” but says that a full-fledged exploit for this console is not ready, as β€œthe lead developer does not currently have a console PS5 “.

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About the author

Emma Davis

I'm writer and content manager (a short time ago completed a bachelor degree in Marketing from the Gustavus Adolphus College). For now, I have a deep drive to study cyber security.

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