Google Chrome developers fix conflict with antiviruses in Windows 10

Google Chrome antiviruses conflict
Written by Emma Davis

In Google Chrome was fixed a bug, due to which the antiviruses installed in Windows 10 came into conflict with the browser and could block the files it creates.

Earlier, users noted a strange triggering of security software when adding, for example, bookmarks in Chrome.

As a rule, anti-virus programs block new files as a precautionary measure, so that they can be scanned for malicious content and quarantined if necessary. On computers with Windows 10 installed, this approach led to problems with files created by Google Chrome.

The bug is known to have manifested itself when using the “ImportantFileWriter”.

Antivirus programs and other scanners installed on the system could block new files, which led to problems with bookmarks in the browser. There was a problem when using ImportantFileWriter to create files.explains Bruce Dawson, one of the Google developers.

In fact, Windows 10 users were unable to add bookmarks to Chrome or were experiencing file transfer issues.

According to Windows Latest, the Chromium developers have fixed a bug in Chrome, now the browser does not conflict with antivirus programs in Windows 10.

The fix published to Chromium’s Google Source codebase resolves this bug by retrying the execution of ReplaceFile method multiple times to overcome the possible race condition in which an antivirus program takes control of (and locks) a file being simultaneously accessed by Chrome.reported in Windows Latest.

Changing the code also has a machine learning aspect, which means that over time, Chromium will learn to fine-tune the number of tries needed to bypass race conditions.

This change also adds tools to record the number of retries required for future tuning.Dawson said.

The engineer also states that this bug only affects Windows systems, so the fix made to was Windows-specific.

Since the fix was added on New Years Eve, the next version of Google Chrome is expected to ship with it. Therefore, Chrome users are encouraged to keep an eye on any upcoming releases and keep their web browsers up to date.

Let me remind you that Google also recommends updating Chrome due to vulnerability in Blink engine.

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About the author

Emma Davis

I'm writer and content manager (a short time ago completed a bachelor degree in Marketing from the Gustavus Adolphus College). For now, I have a deep drive to study cyber security.

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