Trojan:AndroidOS/Multiverze Virus

Multiverze Trojan Removal Guide
Written by Robert Bailey
If you come across a detection alert for Trojan:AndroidOS/Multiverze, it signifies a problem with your PC. All viruses, without exception, pose a significant threat. Multiverze, classified as a spyware virus, is designed to extract various forms of data from your computer. It employs various tactics to evade malware detection and utilizes secure connections for data exfiltration.

Trojan:AndroidOS/Multiverze specifically targets Android devices and belongs to the Trojan malware category. It disguises itself as a legitimate or desirable application or file in order to deceive users into installing it. Once installed, the Trojan performs malicious activities on the infected device.

Trojan:AndroidOS/Multiverze is notorious for its capability to download and install additional malicious applications onto the compromised Android device without the user’s consent. These applications may include adware, spyware, or other types of malware, further compromising the device’s security and privacy.

The Trojan can also exhibit other harmful behaviors, including the theft of sensitive information, displaying unwanted advertisements, hijacking device functions or settings, and even gaining unauthorized access to the device’s resources.

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Any malware exists with the only target – make money on you. And the programmers of these things are not thinking of ethicality – they utilize all possible methods. Grabbing your private data, receiving the payments for the promotions you watch for them, exploiting your system components to mine cryptocurrencies – that is not the full list of what they do. Do you want to be a riding horse? That is a rhetorical question.

What does the notification with Trojan:AndroidOS/Multiverze detection mean?

The Trojan:AndroidOS/Multiverze detection you can see in the lower right side is displayed to you by Microsoft Defender. That anti-malware application is quite OK at scanning, but prone to be mainly unreliable. It is prone to malware invasions, it has a glitchy user interface and bugged malware clearing capabilities. Hence, the pop-up which states concerning the Multiverze is just an alert that Defender has actually detected it. To remove it, you will likely need to use a separate anti-malware program.

Trojan:AndroidOS/Multiverze found

Microsoft Defender: “Trojan:AndroidOS/Multiverze”

Having Trojan:AndroidOS/Multiverze virus on your computer is not a pleasant thing from any point of view. The worst problem is that you will not see anything wrong. The key specialty of any spyware is being as secretive as possible. Some Multiverze samples also can perform self-deletion after gathering all the data available on the computer. After that, it will be nearly impossible to uncover the flow of events and understand how your accounts were hacked. Long-residing variants of spyware can target the specific folder in the system or file type. Then, files grabbed in such a way will be put for sale on the Darknet – at one of its numerous forums with stolen data.

Spyware Summary:

NameMultiverze Spyware
DamageSteal personal data contained in the attacked system.
SimilarRedline, Vidar, Raccoon
Fix ToolSee If Your System Has Been Affected by Multiverze Spyware

Technical details

Behaviour and properties

Click to expand
  • Reads data out of its own binary image;
  • Drops a binary and executes it;
  • Unconventionial language used in binary resources: Japanese;
  • Uses Windows utilities for basic functionality;
  • Attempts to repeatedly call a single API many times in order to delay analysis time;
  • Network activity detected but not expressed in API logs;

File Info

Click to expand
crc32: 627E66EE
md5: 208bd8a2b70085494d9a7a397415cd59
name: 208BD8A2B70085494D9A7A397415CD59.mlw
sha1: 5b1046150fd546785b10c389f4a2cb849b983cfe
sha256: 4f76255bf08cbbf7b39955ec3e7769096da0eb2497aef8a50eff36a4a2dd51f1
sha512: 9d0795707fb33961e5e03f12613c1cc2d9d4fd51c62df7e5054863010af6503fe26fb11ef7af4f1f0d9ba1738069535bbe39de774aa722d2b997adfe7aac12e7
ssdeep: 6144:XpZt5b9chl8pqqDGGxzod1WXruH43ZrCx63msTjqOuG7mBIrJvfd8fkKCKoj6d:XpZT9q8EqSGB2dSCkjYSt8fk72
type: PE32 executable (GUI) Intel 80386, for MS Windows

Version Info:

LegalCopyright: Copyright(c) 2001-2016 by pon software
InternalName: deczipW
FileVersion: 7.05
CompanyName: pon software
ProductName: decode zip unicode version.
ProductVersion: 7.05
FileDescription: Win32 Zip Self-Extractor
OriginalFilename: deczipW.exe
Translation: 0x0000 0x04b0

Alternative detection names

Click to expand
K7AntiVirusRiskware ( 0040eff71 )
Elasticmalicious (high confidence)
K7GWRiskware ( 0040eff71 )
ESET-NOD32multiple detections
CynetMalicious (score: 99)
EmsisoftTrojan.GenericKD.46731442 (B)
MAXmalware (ai score=88)
RisingTrojan.Generic@ML.92 (RDML:05TiNfbFleZiEk2TvaFw/g)

Is Trojan:AndroidOS/Multiverze dangerous?

As I have pointed out earlier, any malware is threatening. And Trojan:AndroidOS/Multiverze is not even near of making more disturbance than real damage. The most misleading feature of this malware is the fact you cannot observe its activity by any means, other than with the use of anti-malware software scanning. And while you are having no clue, cybercriminals who successfully delivered their nasty thing to your computer are starting to count the money. Darknet forums offer a lot of opportunities to market malware logs for a large sum – especially when these logs are newly-collected. And it is a bad idea to imagine what will happen to your accounts when other crooks will put their hands on your credentials.

However, things may have much faster turnover. In some cases, hackers are spreading their malware precisely to the user they are going to rob. Spyware is priceless when it comes to grabbing credentials, and some samples aim precisely at banking accounts or cryprocurrency wallets. One may say, giving spyware a run equals to sending all your money to criminals.

How did I get this virus?

It is not easy to line the origins of malware on your PC. Nowadays, things are mixed up, and distribution tactics utilized by adware 5 years ago may be used by spyware nowadays. But if we abstract from the exact distribution way and will think about why it works, the explanation will be quite uncomplicated – low level of cybersecurity understanding. Individuals click on advertisements on strange websites, click the pop-ups they get in their web browsers, call the “Microsoft tech support” thinking that the scary banner that says about malware is true. It is important to recognize what is legitimate – to avoid misconceptions when attempting to figure out a virus.

Microsoft tech support scam

The example of Microsoft Tech support scam banner

Nowadays, there are two of the most extensive methods of malware spreading – lure emails and also injection into a hacked program. While the first one is not so easy to stay away from – you should know a lot to recognize a counterfeit – the second one is very easy to solve: just do not utilize hacked apps. Torrent-trackers and other sources of “free” applications (which are, in fact, paid, but with a disabled license checking) are really a giveaway point of malware. And Trojan:AndroidOS/Multiverze is just amongst them.

How to remove the Trojan:AndroidOS/Multiverze from my PC?

Trojan:AndroidOS/Multiverze malware is very hard to erase by hand. It places its files in multiple places throughout the disk, and can recover itself from one of the parts. In addition, numerous modifications in the windows registry, networking setups and also Group Policies are pretty hard to discover and return to the original. It is much better to make use of a specific app – exactly, an anti-malware tool. GridinSoft Anti-Malware will definitely fit the best for virus elimination goals.

Why GridinSoft Anti-Malware? It is really lightweight and has its detection databases updated practically every hour. Additionally, it does not have such bugs and vulnerabilities as Microsoft Defender does. The combination of these facts makes GridinSoft Anti-Malware perfect for removing malware of any kind.

Remove the viruses with GridinSoft Anti-Malware

  • Download and install GridinSoft Anti-Malware. After the installation, you will be offered to perform the Standard Scan. Approve this action.
  • Multiverze in during the scan process

  • Standard scan checks the logical disk where the system files are stored, together with the files of programs you have already installed. The scan lasts up to 6 minutes.
  • Threats in scan results

  • When the scan is over, you may choose the action for each detected virus. For all files of Multiverze the default option is “Delete”. Press “Apply” to finish the malware removal.
  • After Cleaning of Multiverze Trojan
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About the author

Robert Bailey

I'm Robert Bailey, a passionate Security Engineer with a deep fascination for all things related to malware, reverse engineering, and white hat ethical hacking.

As a white hat hacker, I firmly believe in the power of ethical hacking to bolster security measures. By identifying vulnerabilities and providing solutions, I contribute to the proactive defense of digital infrastructures.

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