Pirates make over a billion dollars a year from malicious and conventional ads

Pirates make over a billion
Written by Emma Davis

Analysts at the nonprofit Digital Citizens Alliance and anti-piracy firm White Bullet have published a study finding that pirates make over than $1.34 billion in advertising on sites and apps that distribute pirated films, TV series, games and live broadcasts.

About a third of the pirated sites and applications studied contained various types of malicious ads: fake ads, fraudulent promotions, and images that triggered the download of malware when clicked.

Pirates make over a billion

At the same time, the researchers note that such malware can be profitable for advertisers. For example, adware automatically displays ads when a user goes online, redirects users’ browsers to certain advertisements, although it can also contain trojans and keyloggers that can steal credentials and other confidential data.

A malware distributor not only pays for ad placement, but can also provide an additional fee for each subsequent malware infection or installation. Thus, a complex symbiosis arises between piracy and malware, which ultimately harms both consumers and copyright holders.experts say.

The study examined 664 billion ad impressions across approximately 6,000 popular pirate sites and 900 apps (between June 2020 and May 2021). By comparing impressions to an ad revenue matrix, the researchers determined that ad revenue generated approximately $1 billion a year for website owners and more than $ 250 million for apps.

The year-long investigation of ad-supported piracy reveals that: The top websites that offer stolen content generate $1.08 billion in global annual ad revenue. For the major players, it’s big business: the investigation found that the top five of these websites made an average of $18.3 million in revenue from advertising. Many of these websites are in a constant state of churn, meaning they are changing domains and redirecting to avoid enforcement and bypass advertising blocklists.researchers write.

While there are significantly more pirated sites so far, the report notes that the app market is growing at a faster pace.

Let me remind you that we also said that Underground marketplace Hydra makes $1.37 billion in cryptocurrency transactions.

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About the author

Emma Davis

I'm writer and content manager (a short time ago completed a bachelor degree in Marketing from the Gustavus Adolphus College). For now, I have a deep drive to study cyber security.

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